founding editor - integrative organismal biology
2018 - present

Integrative Organismal Biology is the open access journal of the Society for Integrative and Organismal Biology. We are looking for manuscripts that cover any and all of the areas of the diverse membership. Our review process is double blind, and we redact reviews to ensure that only useful and professional interactions are passed along to authors.

The journal has an impact factor as of 2022, and we are very excited by the high profile of many of our articles. The impact of our publications has been high in the conventional metric of citations, and also in the new world of AltMetrics.


Editor - Zoology

Zoology is a journal devoted to experimental and comparative animal science. It presents a common forum for all scientists who take an explicitly organism oriented and integrative approach to the study of animal form, function, development and evolution.


The journal invites papers that take a comparative or experimental approach to behavior and neurobiology, biomechanics, functional morphology, evolution and development, ecological physiology, and cell biology.

If you are interested in submitting a paper, please take a look at the guide for authors


Editorial Board - Journal of Morphology

The Journal of Morphology welcomes articles of original research in cytology, protozoology, embryology, and general morphology. Invertebrate morphology partners equally with vertebrate morphology in this golden time, and the Journal of Morphology is excited to be a part of this 

Articles generally should not exceed thirty-two printed pages. Preliminary notices or articles of a purely taxonomic or ecological nature are not included. For more information on submitting read the guidelines for authors.